A note of Kindness

Pallavi Sharma
4 min readJan 6, 2025
image taken by me at Mangalajodi

New year started with a trip, a very recent tradition started by us all.. my father. He being a busy doctor the only time he has to meet us is on holidays, that too we are blessed if he spends 3 days, generally the itch to go back to work starts by the time sun sets on day 3, this trip was no exception. Its another story I stay close, but our daily interactions are limited to him giving me a hint followed by nudge or nudges to solve the daily wordle. My scientist sister who might be a Curie in making who stays a bit far, also indulges us her presence and I who plans it all, finds immense joy in seeing their smiles.

But don’t let me paint a rosy picture, we all know how Indian families are, mine is none different. And people of my generation who are called i read recently a sandwich generation were we have two generations of elders and youngers to look after, try to steal some moments of solitude for self, and well it was that one morning, where all I wanted was to be left alone. So I sent all to beach, well they wanted to go, the elders wanted to see the Irrawaddy dolphins, which they did see and I got to be myself.

The recently opened Taj Puri’s swimming pool is where I wanted to spend that time. My mind all entangled by the chaos around me, the needs and wants which consumes the one who plans all, hoping to be acknowledged which my family has recently learnt to do. Well I did teach a lesson or two to them. Coming back to me hitting the swimming pool. As I ventured into the chilliest of waters, Puri was surprisingly cold, and here I was hoping to be away from the nerve racking Delhi cold.. well a few degrees difference… is all I can say.. but that didn’t deter me to go into the cold waters, knowing well that the body will adjust if the mind has accepted…

I was angry.. or rather simply disappointed by my daughter, she is 6 and she was simply not listening to me. My son trying to still wake up and my husband watching all this, I ain’t sure how and what relation she and I going to have.. but she did tell loud and clear in the car — “ke humein humesha mumma ki baat kyon sunni padti hai” . Both my son and my husband felt silent and I well you can’t imagine .. lets leave it here…

As I was preparing myself to be numbed by the cold waters, a kind gentleman standing nearby started a conversation. He told me, it was brave of me to go into the pool in this chilly weather. I well still in my bad mood replied back.. so what.. i went last evening as well.. showing off or just stating the fact.. that chill waters don’t have any impact on me.. try taming a wild damsel… well.. it was brief… he went on to say… he can’t dare going into the pool.. but finds me brave… and that simply break the thought.. the thought that i am not a good mother.. daughter.. sister… i am not enough… and here she is… arguing yet again…. she’s lucky i simply cannot see a tear in her eyes… else… phew daughters! Oh dear God!

So where was I.. on the gentleman.. he simply by his words which he didn’t have to say.. him noticing me, telling me helped me break a thought. And that was enough for me to get out of that self absorbent self pitying hole I was about to go in… be in the moment.. is what it did. I did see the person again, having dinner with his wife, I tried to catch his attention wanting to convey my thanks. By the time I got courage to tell him thank you, he had left for his room. I did try to get the number but these 5 stars and their rules.. so I sent a thank you note…

To which next morning I got a reply..

The note..

I met him again in at the breakfast buffet and his beautiful wife. He told me he is famous, I wonder how famous.. but well one thing i know for sure he knows how to uplift others.. and for that I am grateful for people who remind you… by their words, by their actions.. when people you know take you for granted.. sometimes it takes a stranger to help you to find your own self… and with this I begin the year of writing.. of knowing that what I practice.. #BeKind exists.. and I hope you the one reading it.. enjoy many travels with loved ones and while on it.. maybe smile at a stranger or drop a word of encouragement… we never know the battles others are fighting… and sometimes by giving we open endless channels for receiving.. I did this time, to all the compliments my family showered me with, I accepted each one of them with a thank you and gratitude.. you see people who are used to bricks take time and a lot of it to appreciate the bouquets.. if you know you know.. if you don’t.. well I wish you never have too…

Thats all folks… #BeKind.. and I am going to start another one this year.. #Acceptance.. :)



Pallavi Sharma
Pallavi Sharma

Written by Pallavi Sharma

Founder 5 Elements Learning & Mosaic Words | Published Author | Selenium Committer | Eternal Learner | Conservationist | ਸਬਰ ਸ਼ੁਕਰ| | #BeKind

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