Eat that apple and take that supplement
2020, new decade new year etc etc. Everyone is excited about new beginings isn’t it. Thats basic human nature. We all like something new. A new dress, a new job, same old spouse though, well. For me, the start wasn’t that great. After a severe bout of golgappe caused food giadiarsis, i got my right hand injured to an extent, i cannot feel my thumb and the wrist is swollen. A few years back, my father a surgeon developed carpal tunnel syndrome. So he started using his left hand, and prodded us to also do the same.
Well I do have an ability i can easily write with my right hand an entire letter for which you need a mirror to read :) . It was my survival skill i acquired in college. But I have realized how crucial it is to be ambidextorous in life. So if you have kids, teach them to use both hands. And if you are reading my article, start using your left to type, if you are right handed, and if you are left handed then, well you are already smart kinds so i have no suggestions for you all.
Now the injury which i have, indeed have a name, “De Quervain’s tenosynovitis”. I wont bore you all with these details. But I would want you all to understand a few things in general. Its important to take care of your health, your physical body and your mental well being. These are also our assests, not only the bank balance, the house, and that car. So treat it all right. A lot of us because of the kind of food we eat donot know that it is missing in a very important micro nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, omega3 fatty acids, vit b complexes, vit e and magnesium. I am sure most of you reading this will come to know that your Vit D is low if you get it tested like tomorrow.
There is a problem in here, the doctors, and that general dietician won’t know to tell you all this. Sometimes if you meet a right kind of food nutritionist, or you get into a problem/disease like me, you are forced to meet them, or maybe you are enlightened kinds you know about them already. The point is, it is important to be aware about this world as well. To go to a good gym, to eat food which is nutritious, to not get into diet fads, and to know the supplements to overcome the missing links in our food intake.
We are not getting younger with any passing moment, this reality we should all accept. So as you find defects in that product you are looking into, go yourself checked as well. My father always says prevention is better than cure. With that note, i wish you all a healthy decade.
Time for me to go back studying, somehow in all this i have signed up for a lot of exams for certifications, and i have already flunked one. Oh 2020… i wish you already end. But its alright my mother on this sent me a whatsapp of the King Solmon and Spider story. Parents I tell ya! Try and Try again. Well. To those who made it to the end of the article, i have only one piece of advice — health is wealth.