Superficial, to pretend but not mean it. I am sure in one aspect of our lives or another, we have fallen victims to it. We ourselves have pretended to be someone, do something which of given a choice to be true to ourselves we would have avoided it.
Why do we do that? Is there a need to be socially accepted? Is there a desire to be a part of the norm? Is there a fear that you may upset someone by revealing your true feelings thus being superficial is your escape route?
is it our looks, talk, degrees, achievements for which we have a continuous need for accolades so we keep pretending to be who we are not?
The feeling to be celebrated is deep rooted, the feeling to be accepted and acknowledged is deep rooted because not all of us in love with ourselves.
maybe if just by a little we start believing instead of bashing maybe if we start accepting our weaknesses and start giving benefit of doubt to people around us, including. ourselves the idea of pretending to be someone one really isn’t will no longer be needed.
and sometimes it is crucial and a matter of self preservation to see things and people as they are meant to be and not keep on wearing the rose tinted glasses.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea to call a spade a spade and sadly those who do that we as society in any form tend to demean them.
Life is to live, with all your truth. Make it easy for you and people around you.
let go the baggage of being someone else you keep carrying.
Impress or express the choice always exists.