Who Am I

Pallavi Sharma
Mar 23, 2021

Am i the square peg in the round hole or a round peg in a square hole? Sometimes in night i create a few stories for my children, and sometimes i create it for my ownself. Sharing this one with you all, do let me know the first thought that comes to your mind, i would await.

Wanting change is easy, making it happen difficult, and sticking to it is most difficult. To be different from the rest almost impossible. But then where does the happiness lies remains a question one should continue to ask themselves, and to their own 10 year old self or maybe smaller.

— pardon the illegimate handwriting and a few grammatical errors i am sure they exists, lot of the drawing was googled but handmade. Well… thats all folks!



Pallavi Sharma

Founder 5 Elements Learning and Mosaic Words | Published Author | Selenium Committer | Green Literature Publisher | Conservationist | ਸਬਰ ਸ਼ੁਕਰ| | #BeKind